A crisis can be described as something that “throws people off balance.” In therapeutic terms this is known as . . .
A crisis can be described as something that “throws people off balance.” In therapeutic terms this is known as . . .
What one person considers a crisis may not be what someone else considers a crisis. This is because, generally speaking, crisis is . . .
What is the trilogy definition of crisis?
Name the three categories or types of crisis.
Teens in crisis experience the three “H’s.” What are they?
The word “crisis” does not appear in the bible. What are two other similar words used in the bible?
The Greek word for “comfort” in the Bible can be translated
as . . .
The goal of Christian counseling is . . .
List the five elements of the TRUTH system of crisis counseling.
The word “triage” means . . .
List three Assessment Questions you can ask youth in order to determine the core issue.
List two Feeling Questions you can ask to facilitate deeper emotional expression.
You can use the SLAP method to determine if a person is suicidal. What does SLAP stands for?
When counseling youth in crisis, it is critical that you remember that ____________________ is more important than what you know.
List four of the eight descriptors of the Anatomy of a Helper.
List the five Key Elements of Deep Listening.
What are three components of good Attending Skills?
Describe the three elements of the ACE model.
What is the difference between the presenting problem and the identified problem?
Name three groups of people or organizations included on the Resource Sheet.
Name one good reason why you would refer a student to professional counseling.
Describe confidentiality as it relates to counseling. When is disclosure required?
According to the textbook and class discussion, you should not refer to yourself as a counselor unless you are actually trained, licensed, or certified as a professional counselor. What other terms might you use describe your care for students?
Being close enough to a student to possibly prevent a crisis is called . . .
Name two groups or individuals who can be members of preventative partnerships.
Label the seven elements of the Crisis Ministry Model.
List two examples of Effective and Ineffective Coping.